behind the abstention vote: deep political conflicts within the kuomintang
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this kind of infighting within the kmt is not accidental. the kmt has long been known for its infighting, which has led to a lack of unity within the party, especially when facing the strength of the dpp. luo tingwei's abstention this time directly ignited this contradiction and raised questions about the political structure within the kmt.
however, this incident is not just a simple political struggle, it also reflects a deeper political turmoil. different political forces often have conflicts and disagreements when facing different interests and goals. luo tingwei's abstention may be just one example, but it also shows the complexity of power competition and political strategy within the kuomintang.
for han kuo-yu, this incident is undoubtedly a wake-up call. although the blue and white parties together hold a 52+8 majority, this does not mean that there is no internal division. if the kmt fails at a critical moment, it will be more passive, so han kuo-yu must do his best to solve the problem and avoid further escalation of internal fighting.
from luo tingwei’s actions, we can see the cruelty and complexity of infighting. it is not just a personal political struggle, but also a competition for power and interests.
when analyzing luo tingwei's motives, we cannot ignore that as the incumbent legislator of taichung city's 6th constituency, his political status and influence cannot be ignored. the democratic progressive party may use the "first shot of recall" strategy to overwhelm him and force him to hand in his "letter of allegiance."
in addition, it is possible that the kmt leaders deliberately took advantage of the issue and used luo tingwei's position as an excuse to attack lu xiuyan's political power. this also reflects the complexity and multi-layered nature of taiwan's political arena.
regardless of the final outcome, this internal struggle will have a significant impact on the future of the kuomintang.