sleeping dream palace


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people are accustomed to associating "blood tax" with the legal system, but kadare portrays it as a ruthless mechanical operation that flows like water, silently eroding the light of life.

he used the "steward of blood" as a representative to unveil the conspiracy veil of the code. this spokesperson for the powerful class, with his cold eyes and cold actions, showed their desire for power and interests.

in the layers of the dream palace, each character plays a specific role, and fate is arranged meticulously. however, kadare left infinite possibilities in it. he used the fictitious crime of "killing a friend" to open a huge rift in people's contradictions and conflicts, making it impossible for people to escape the track of fate.

the emergence of the "special dream" seems to be a distortion of the rules themselves, and the power it brings is like poison, quietly penetrating everyone's heart, making people struggle in fear and despair.

however, kadare does not just blend reality and fiction together, he seeks the meaning of truth in it. through the fate of the characters, he tries to reveal the nature of human beings and the dilemmas they face.

the protagonist in "the accident" is looking for the meaning and hope of life in the darkness of the dream palace. however, fate drags him into an endless cycle.

kadare's writing is full of contradictions and conflicts, like a well-designed drama performance that makes people's hearts beat fast. he interweaves reality and fiction to show the complexity of the human inner world.