openai: the end of an era and a new beginning


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john schulman and andrej karpathy left openai, which is a huge blow to the company. andrei karpas founded an ai+ education company, and john schulman joined rival anthropic. these departures have led to speculation about whether there are serious conflicts within openai and whether sam altman will change the company's direction.

openai has experienced significant challenges before, including internal squabbling and conflicting views and strategic directions on the development of artificial intelligence. ilya suzkovo and jakub pachocki represent two different voices, and the values ​​and business goals they represent are also different.

as the leader of openai, sam altman has been committed to promoting the company's commercialization process and actively looking for new investment opportunities to support r&d and development. openai's video generation models sora and gpt-5 have not yet been launched, but the progress of these projects is still under the spotlight.

however, openai also shows great potential. they have been exploring new directions, such as restructuring their core businesses into for-profit companies, which may attract more investors and partners and bring new opportunities to the company. at the same time, sam altman is also working hard to find new financing opportunities to support the continued development of openai.

the future of openai is full of uncertainty, but it remains one of the important forces driving the development of artificial intelligence. regardless, openai’s journey will continue and leave a lasting mark.