the journey of jewelry art across time and space
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from the ancient symbol of the dragon to modern art, jewelry art draws inspiration from traditional chinese culture and is gradually becoming global. the griffin pendant from 1900 witnessed the new interpretation of jewelry art during the art nouveau period. l'école brings these histories and cultures together during the jewelry art carnival, inviting the audience to step into the wonderful world of jewelry art.
the lecture "twin villas: architectural treasures on huaihai road" will reveal the story behind the twin villas and tell the fusion of eastern and western cultures and the charm of architecture in shanghai. at the same time, l'école will embark on a journey to explore the world of gemstones, leading the audience through the magnificent history of jewelry art and experiencing artistic inspiration and cultural heritage from different fields.
"creative world: exploring the microscopic garden" is a special event designed by l'école jewelry art center for children and teenagers. during the activity, young students will touch real emerald mineral specimens, learn gemological knowledge, experience the world of gemstones first-hand, create their own works of art, and show their infinite imagination and creativity in jewelry art.
"gem world" related courses will lead the audience to deeply explore the essence of jewelry art. through condensed course demonstrations, they will be immersed in the colorful world of gemstones, experience the exquisite craftsmanship related to jewelry, and the historical inheritance of jewelry art.
l'école has always been committed to the inheritance and sharing of jewelry art and culture. through a series of courses, exhibitions, lectures, books, research projects and popular arts and cultural events, more people can understand and appreciate the beauty of jewelry art.