The dilemma of Chinese AI companies after the ChatGPT craze: exploring the reasons behind it


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Globally, AI technology is developing rapidly. Some international giants have quickly occupied the market with their strong financial, technical and talent advantages. In contrast, some Chinese AI companies are insufficient in technology accumulation and R&D investment.

Summary: The advantages of international giants bring huge challenges to Chinese companies.

Changes in market demand are also an important reason. As the market's requirements for AI applications become higher and higher, companies that cannot accurately meet market demand are gradually eliminated. The international market's demand for AI products and services is diverse and high-standard, while some Chinese AI companies lack an international perspective in product positioning and market expansion.

Summary: Failure to adapt to market demands and lack of international perspective led to the company’s elimination.

In addition, the intensified competition for talent has also had an impact on Chinese AI companies. Some technologically advanced regions in the world have attracted a large number of outstanding AI talents, while some Chinese AI companies face difficulties in attracting and retaining talent.

Summary: The international flow of talent has affected the development of Chinese companies.

The difference in financial support is also a factor that cannot be ignored. Some large international technology companies are able to obtain huge amounts of capital for R&D and market expansion, while some Chinese AI companies encounter obstacles in financing.

Summary: The funding gap restricts the growth of Chinese companies.

Changes in the policy environment also have an impact on the development of AI companies. Different countries and regions have different policy support for the AI ​​industry. Some regions in the world provide AI companies with more favorable policies and a good development environment, which puts some Chinese AI companies at a disadvantage in international competition.

Summary: Differences in policy environment affect the company's competitive position.

In summary, the disappearance of nearly 80,000 AI companies in China after ChatGPT soared for more than 600 days is the result of the combined effect of multiple factors. To change this situation, China's AI industry needs to continue to work hard in technological innovation, talent training, market expansion, etc., while actively learning from international advanced experience and improving its own competitiveness to adapt to the increasingly international market environment.