apple iphone se 4's transformation: screen revolution and supply chain evolution
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jdi and sharp, japanese panel manufacturers that have long provided lcd panels to apple, have made great contributions to the production of iphones. however, with apple's shift, the two companies have faced huge challenges. since the launch of iphone x in 2017, apple has gradually started to use oled screens, which has had a significant impact on the market share of lcd manufacturers.
from 2015, jdi and sharp provided about 200 million lcd panels for iphone each year, to 2023, this number has dropped significantly to about 20 million. as apple turns to oled, the two companies only provide panels for the iphone se model. jdi currently only provides small oled screens for devices such as apple watch, and its strategic direction is adjusting around the lcd business for automotive applications; while sharp is reducing its lcd business mainly for tvs.
at the same time, apple has begun ordering oled screens from china's boe technology group and south korea's lg display to provide new solutions for the upcoming iphone se, which means that the two companies are gradually moving away from the role of traditional lcd manufacturers and moving towards a new direction of development.
this is not just a technological shift, but also a change in the evolution of the supply chain. apple's strategic shift to oled has had a profound impact on the industry ecosystem, and has also brought new opportunities and challenges to traditional lcd manufacturers. in the new market environment, they need to find new growth points and make strategic adjustments to cope with the new competitive landscape.