trade in services: a new engine to promote global economic integration


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the chinese government attaches great importance to the contribution of trade in services and has provided tremendous support at the policy level. for example, tang wenhong, assistant minister of commerce, said that china regards trade in services as an important means to expand high-level opening-up and cultivate new momentum for foreign trade development, and continues to promote the accelerated development of trade in services.

judging from the data, the growth rate of service trade far exceeds that of traditional trade, reflecting the strong development of economic globalization. according to wto statistics, global service exports grew by an average of 4.9% annually from 2013 to 2023, and their share has gradually stabilized at one-quarter of the total trade in goods and services.

these data all show that trade in services has become an important engine driving global economic integration.

the future of trade in services: innovation-driven, accelerated cross-border flows

the development of trade in services not only brings new opportunities, but also new challenges. how can we better understand and deal with these challenges to better promote the healthy development of trade in services?

at present, the development of service trade faces the following key issues:

these issues have also triggered new thinking: how to further promote the cross-border flow of trade in services? how to better promote the innovative development of trade in services?

in the future, the development of trade in services will continue to advance. with the development of technology and the application of emerging technologies, we will see more innovations and breakthroughs, and trade in services will continue to play an important role in global economic integration.