breaking through the "hard nut to crack": carbon dioxide capture, utilization and storage technology helps increase oil production
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ccus technology can collect carbon dioxide produced by emission sources such as fertilizer plants and power plants, and then transport it to a designated location through a pipeline for separation, compression and utilization. this method can not only reduce emissions, but also improve the fluidity and recovery rate of crude oil, thereby achieving the true "dual carbon" goal.
application of ccus technology in practice
as the main user of ccus technology, sinopec shengli oilfield has achieved remarkable results after successfully applying ccus technology in lai 113 block. the project injected 1 million tons of carbon dioxide into underground rock formations, increased crude oil production, and achieved net zero emissions, providing new ideas and directions for industry development.
advantages of ccus technology
compared with traditional oil recovery technology, ccus technology is more outstanding in improving crude oil fluidity and recovery rate. it can use the characteristics of liquid carbon dioxide to more easily enter low-permeability reservoirs, thereby achieving higher production. in addition, ccus technology can effectively reduce emission costs and provide a new way for environmental protection and energy development.
future outlook
with the continuous improvement and promotion of ccus technology, sinopec will establish a carbon capture, utilization and storage technology research and development center, focus on the deployment of ccus+ wind and solar power, ccus+ hydrogen energy, ccus+ biomass energy and other cutting-edge and reserve technology research and development, and build a "technology development-engineering demonstration-industrialization" carbon dioxide utilization technology innovation system. by strengthening technology research and application promotion, we will promote the industrialization of ccus technology and make greater contributions to achieving the "dual carbon" goal.