the perspective of the times, the "garbage" in the home
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"disinfection cabinet", "massage chair", "sink dishwasher"... these seemingly convenient household items hide our confusion about life. have we ever been troubled by the contradiction between their functions and needs? while pursuing convenience, have we ignored the real practicality?
the charm of "technology" often makes people indulge in its possibilities and forget the real needs. the disinfection cabinet tries to provide us with convenient cleaning services, but it becomes a sundries rack due to space constraints. in the same way, the "massage chair" also tries to bring us relaxation, but it is bulky and can only be used in a fixed position, and eventually becomes an idle "toy".
"efficiency" drives us to choose our lifestyle. under-sink dishwashers have become a breakthrough in "technology" that attempts to free up kitchen space and time. however, due to its small cleaning capacity, it has a "cost-effectiveness" problem and has to compromise, eventually becoming silent like a "statue".
the emergence of these "garbage" is not accidental, but our pursuit of lifestyle and our expectations for future life. when technological innovation collides with demand but cannot find a balance, contradictions and troubles will arise.
however, we also need to think from another perspective. the "garbage" in life is not inevitable, it contains more possibilities. for example, the design of pots and pans reflects the changes in people's demand for cooking methods, and also reflects people's pursuit and attempts at lifestyle.
we need to learn how to face the contradictions in life and find new answers from them so as to find a lifestyle that truly suits us.