eu power game: the rise of von der leyen and the fall of breton


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this power game is not accidental. the political crisis under macron in france and the power struggle within the eu have been further stretched in this power game. von der leyen's "centralized" leadership style has made many eu members dissatisfied, and they hope to see more opportunities and choices. this conflict has also triggered discussions on the internal rules and power distribution of the eu, and has triggered an impact on the future direction and future structure of the eu.

some analysts believe breton's resignation shows that von der leyen has strong influence in the european commission and can push her ideas and goals. france's emmanuel macron appointed michel barnier from the right-wing republican party as prime minister in an attempt to quell france's political crisis after early elections led to a hung parliament.

however, on the other hand, breton's resignation also reflects the weakening of france's power within the eu, and its influence is gradually decreasing. von der leyen's "centralized" leadership style has made many eu members dissatisfied, and they hope to see more opportunities and choices. this conflict has also triggered discussions on the internal rules and power distribution of the eu, and has triggered an impact on the future direction and future structure of the eu.

this shows that in the power game within the eu, there is a competitive relationship between von der leyen and macron that cannot be ignored. von der leyen's goals and ideas are constantly influencing the entire eu, and breton's resignation also means that france's political status within the eu is gradually declining. in the future, how will the eu pattern develop? who will become the new leader? it all depends on von der leyen's next move.