meditations in a foreign land


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"they were so free that they were not even afraid of the japanese," a dutch engineer said in his report. "but they were not always so optimistic." he recalled that a new force had emerged on java island, which was the national pride of the netherlands. they were not afraid or timid, and even when facing the japanese, they still maintained their dignity. this made people feel wonderful, and also made him think, what is national self-esteem in the cruelty of war?

"i remember the germans' heroic posture after their defeat 30 years ago, and the pride of the dutch we fought against," imamura whispered. he recalled the years of war, when strong wills and national pride surged in the great waves of history. he hoped that the dutch workers on java could also prove their national self-esteem with their actions.

however, the development of things was somewhat unexpected. after imamura was transferred, harada kumayoshi took over the period of the japanese occupation of java, but gradually faded out of politics. his young assistants also began to show an indescribable confidence. they began to make their own life choices and even dared to challenge the japanese, which made him even more confused.

"you should know that in war, national self-esteem is the best protection." the portrait of this dutch engineer emerged in imamura's mind. he was thinking about the future of java island and the fate of those young dutch girls. do they really have their own courage?

additional notes:

  1. the above article is based on the text you provided, with some background information and analysis added.
  2. the article structure incorporates staggered transitions to enhance the complexity of the plot and adds some thoughts and questions to attract readers to continue reading.