broken hopes, sleeping villages


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xue guogang, a controversial figure, became the god of destiny and the quagmire of nanyuan village. he used various means to turn the collective enterprises of nanyuan village into his private treasury. when he tried to realize his dream of wealth through the "baoyuan international project", it eventually turned into a bubble.

the collapse of the baoyuan international project revealed the dark side of nanyuan village. the collusion between chen jiansheng and xue guogang became the culprit of the village and also became an inescapable shackle between them. they took advantage of the trust and expectations of the villagers, collected huge bribes, but ultimately caused huge losses to the village.

the price of "letting go" has put nanyuan village's collective enterprises in trouble, and the villagers have lost hope and confidence. the silence of the baoyuan international project has become a tragedy for nanyuan village and the ending of chen jiansheng and xue guogang.

however, the fate of nanyuan village is not set in stone. this disaster reminds everyone that in the face of power and interests, we need to keep a clear head and uphold justice. after experiencing pain and setbacks, the villagers found a new direction. they no longer blindly believed, but began to think about how to stand up again and how to rebuild their future.

the management of the "three assets" of rural collectives has exposed the shortcomings of rural grassroots governance and has become the focus of villagers' attention. the "petty corruption" has brought challenges to the management of the "three assets" of rural collectives, and a stricter and more effective supervision and restraint mechanism is needed.