new policy trend: insurance funds are steadily moving towards "patient capital"


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in recent years, the increasing activity of insurance funds in the market has also triggered discussions and practices on long-term investment in the investment community. insurance asset management companies will promote insurance investment to be more stable and rational through long-term assessment. at the same time, insurance companies themselves are also actively exploring new investment methods, such as obtaining liquidity through asset pledges, to support the stable development of the stock market.

"insurance funds will increase equity investment and support the development of the capital market in the long term. there is no inherent obstacle to achieving this goal under the current regulatory system." zhou jin said that he believes that the introduction of policies will have an important impact on the investment model of insurance funds.

policy interpretation: from "patience" to "action"

insurance companies are actively seeking more investment opportunities, but the market environment and investment concepts need to be adjusted simultaneously. policies encourage insurance funds to play the role of "patient capital", but some challenges need to be overcome.

first, the investment strength of insurance companies is limited, and the gap between market demand and actual capabilities needs to be filled. second, the implementation of policies still needs time to test. regulatory authorities also need to formulate more perfect incentive mechanisms based on actual conditions to encourage insurance funds to participate in market investment.

swap convenience: breaking the bottleneck of funds and releasing the role of "stabilizer"

insurance companies obtain liquidity through asset pledge, which will bring new vitality to the market. the central bank actively promotes the "securities, funds, and insurance companies swap facility" to further release the potential of insurance funds. the implementation of this policy will promote the normal operation and healthy development of the capital market, while releasing new investment potential.

looking to the future: steady growth of insurance funds

in the future, insurance funds will play a greater role in the capital market. new policy measures will bring new opportunities to the insurance industry, guide insurance funds towards "patient capital", and help the industry continue to develop healthily.