chongqing: capital of intelligent manufacturing


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1. infrastructure and artificial intelligence, reshaping industrial production

the chongqing government has launched a digital transformation center to provide a series of training and services for smart manufacturing. at the same time, chongqing is also actively attracting universities, enterprises and third-party forces to jointly promote the application and development of artificial intelligence technology. these efforts will promote artificial intelligence to play a greater role in various fields, such as:

2. smart manufacturing to achieve more efficient and green production

artificial intelligence technology will change the manufacturing production model, and intelligent transformation is the future development trend. chongqing is actively deploying artificial intelligence in various aspects, such as:

3. cyber-physical systems support intelligent manufacturing

cyber-physical system (cps) is a system that helps realize intelligence in manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries. it optimizes production processes through physical sensors and real-time analysis of data. this technology has been widely used in japan and will become a major technology trend worldwide in the future. toyota is a representative of cps technology. it introduced cps technology and installed cameras and sensors in the factory to obtain data on each production process and predict in advance equipment abnormalities and stagnation in processes such as assembly, stamping, and painting.

as an important industrial city in china, chongqing has a wide range of application scenarios for cyber-physical systems (cps). in the future, mizuho financial group can cooperate with the chongqing municipal government to hold industry exchange meetings and other activities, cooperate in the field of using cps technology to solve more equipment operation problems on smart factory production lines, and improve production through remote control of robots and other equipment. efficiency, control the quality of parts and raw materials.