private equity winter 2023-24: market change driven by technology
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technology-driven private equity:
in the digital age, the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology has brought new opportunities to private equity managers. artificial intelligence technology can help them analyze data more efficiently, identify risks and opportunities, and optimize investment strategies.
limited partners’ thoughts on the application of artificial intelligence in fund monitoring are gradually becoming clearer. 38% of limited partners plan to use artificial intelligence in fund monitoring, while 31% of limited partners said they will incorporate artificial intelligence capabilities into competitive situation analysis.
cross-process integration and investment decisions:
while some limited partners are actively exploring the use of artificial intelligence in private equity management, not all processes can be directly automated. investment decisions and recruitment are processes that are relatively difficult to be affected by artificial intelligence. for investment decisions, limited partners need to consider factors such as market risks, opportunities and investment objectives, which determine the final investment choice. in terms of recruitment, artificial intelligence technology may not be able to completely replace the work of the human resources department, because it involves communication and trust between people, as well as a comprehensive evaluation of talents.
private equity managers: looking ahead
with the continuous development of artificial intelligence technology, the private equity market will usher in new changes in the winter of 2023-24. these changes may bring about new opportunities and challenges. limited partners need to maintain a calm and positive attitude and learn and master new technologies and knowledge in a timely manner.