are actors symbols of the market or the soul of art?


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movies are a "stage", a stage for actors, and a place where they can show their artistic talents. however, actors are an important part of a film, but they do not necessarily determine the final fate. just like the photographers in a movie, their lenses and lighting can change the atmosphere of the story, but the final presentation depends on the director's ideas and the actors' performances.

the roles played by actors are the soul of the story and the core of the story perceived by the audience. they show a unique artistic style in each role they play, bringing different perspectives and feelings to the audience. however, in the face of the myth of "carrying the box office", actors find it difficult to break free from the shackles of marketing, and they are given labels that cannot be changed.

the audience is the soul of the film and the ultimate decider of the story. their preferences and emotions determine the success of the work. the influence of this "off-site factor" will have a huge impact on the actor's career. actors should focus on the performance itself instead of being influenced by marketing.

in a sense, "carrying the box office" is just a symbol. it does not represent the actor's strength and artistic value. it is only the surface of the work, and the true meaning of the story is hidden in every detail behind it.

this is just like the society we live in, where people pursue "speed" but lose the joy of "slow life". actors should also learn the spirit of "slow life", focus on performance, and bring real artistic enjoyment to the audience.