how does huawei's automotive bu find a balance between its "bosch" ambitions and the challenge from tesla?


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however, huawei's challenge is not a single one, but more like a "game". on the one hand, tesla has achieved great success in the domestic market with its strong technical strength and huge market share, especially the promotion of fsd (full automatic driving) technology, which has become a direct challenge for huawei's automotive bu. on the other hand, huawei has also tried to expand the market from different angles by establishing strategic partnerships with other automakers, such as volvo.

however, huawei must realize that relying solely on technological breakthroughs and cooperation cannot completely solve the challenges it encounters. in particular, with the implementation and continued development of tesla's fsd technology in the chinese market, huawei faces tremendous pressure. in order to meet the challenges of competitors, huawei's automotive bu began to explore new strategic directions and tried to "learn from" tesla's successful experience.

in 2023, huawei's automotive bu officially began to strategically shrink some of its businesses and invest more resources in more profitable areas such as smart cockpits and low- and mid-range assisted driving. especially for the low- and mid-end markets, huawei began to explore a more open strategy and try to establish partnerships with other automakers to ultimately achieve economies of scale.

however, between the ambitions of "bosch" and the challenge of tesla, huawei's automotive bu needs to find a balance. only by finding a balance between technological innovation and market expansion can it truly achieve its development goals.