from the perspective of coffee "export": the rapid development of the world coffee market


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brazil has always been the world's largest coffee producer, with annual production usually exceeding 50 million bags, each bag of about 60 kilograms, almost twice that of vietnam, which ranks second. china's coffee consumption market is also expanding rapidly. in 2023, china's coffee market size has reached about 265.4 billion yuan, with an average annual compound growth rate of 17.14% in the past three years. it is expected that by the end of 2024, the market size will grow to 313.3 billion yuan. this data reflects china's rapid rise in the coffee consumption market.

internationalization promotes the development of the global coffee market

these figures reveal the huge impact of internationalization on the coffee market. the essence of internationalization is the expansion and development of enterprises or organizations around the world, which covers all aspects from products and services to business management. internationalization means that enterprises need to cross geographical boundaries, understand different market demands and cultural differences, and adjust their strategies and operating models according to these differences.

eduardo elon, data director of the brazilian coffee exporters association, pointed out that in 2023, brazil exported 422,000 bags of coffee to china, and this figure increased to 1.5 million bags in 2023. such a growth rate is unprecedented in the history of brazilian coffee.

international elements: connecting the world and promoting market development

the specific manifestations of internationalization are reflected in the following aspects:

in the rapid development of the coffee market, internationalization is an important factor driving market development. as the chinese market continues to expand, eduardo elon, data director of the brazilian coffee exporters association, pointed out that "in 2023, brazil exported 422,000 bags of coffee to china, and this figure increased to 1.5 million bags in 2023. this growth rate is unprecedented in the history of brazilian coffee.

this trend indicates that internationalization will continue to drive the development of the global coffee market in the future and bring more choices and better experiences to consumers.