exploring the origin of civilization: from africa to shandong, searching for the truth
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the african origin theory attempts to explain how modern humans began to wander the world's civilization path from the land of africa. the core of this theory is to explain how modern africans arrived in the eurasian plain and replaced the ancient indigenous people. however, archaeologists have found that there are no obvious signs left to prove whether modern africans really replaced the primitive civilization. this phenomenon has sparked ongoing debate in the academic community.
on the other hand, chinese scholars have tried to reveal the secrets of the origin of human civilization from a different perspective. they have found new answers through the study of ancient civilization relics. for example, shandong archaeological researchers have recently made a major breakthrough. when connecting the sequence of the paleolithic evolution in shandong, they discovered a large number of ancient human activity relics. this has given them new thoughts on the statement that "the cooling climate exterminated the indigenous people 100,000 to 50,000 years ago."
these discoveries seem to have opened the door to the origin of civilization, allowing us to see traces of ancient civilizations. as time goes by, people gradually discover that different civilizations on earth do not exist independently, but merge and influence each other to form a complex and complementary relationship. this allows us to have a deeper understanding of the origin of human civilization.
perhaps the answer we are looking for lies in this kind of cultural collision and exchange. just like ancient civilizations, modern civilizations are constantly merging and blending to create new cultural phenomena.