technology and art: the boundary of human existence
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many people began to question whether technology can really replace human existence, which inevitably led to thinking about the boundaries between "technology and art" and the meaning of human existence.
when technological advancement exceeds human cognition and understanding, it will become a new art form, but it may also cause the decline of human artistic creation. for example, the special effects of martial arts dramas have been developed to the extreme, making it increasingly difficult to distinguish the authenticity of action scenes, and the audience has gradually become accustomed to using subtitles to understand the plot. this dependence may lead to a decline in the actors' performance and the audience's appreciation ability.
on the musical stage, subtitles have become an indispensable part, and actors are even used to relying on subtitles to replace their own performance skills. such changes may cause performers to ignore the expressive power of language itself, and ultimately lead to a decline in the quality of artistic creation.
"the expression of emotion through human voice" is the soul of drama. many drama performers insist on using microphones to perform and try to experience the performers' real emotions and feelings. they believe that art can transcend technology and express emotions and thoughts. this belief and persistence allows art to maintain its unique charm, while also reminding us of the value of human existence and our pursuit of art.
the development of technology is the key to changing human destiny, but it also needs human wisdom and creativity to guide it. we should use technology to enhance artistic creation, not replace it. there is a coexistence between technology and art. we can use the help of technology to make human artistic creation more colorful and vibrant.