"The integration of traditional Chinese medicine heritage and modern technology: a new perspective on development opportunities"


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Modern technology has brought many changes to traditional Chinese medicine. For example, big data analysis can be used to explore the potential rules in traditional Chinese medicine classic prescriptions and provide a basis for the development of new drugs; artificial intelligence technology can assist traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis and improve the accuracy and efficiency of diagnosis. Taking pulse diagnosis as an example, by collecting pulse data through sensors and combining machine learning algorithms, more accurate analysis and judgment of pulse can be made.

But at the same time, the integration of technology has also caused some problems. For example, there is a contradiction between the personalized treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and the standardization of science and technology. Science and technology pursue quantifiable and replicable standards, while traditional Chinese medicine focuses on individual differences and one prescription for each person. How to maintain the characteristics and essence of traditional Chinese medicine with the assistance of technology requires in-depth thinking.

In addition, the development of science and technology has also brought convenience to the dissemination of information, but the information about traditional Chinese medicine on the Internet is mixed. Incorrect traditional Chinese medicine knowledge may mislead patients and even affect the reputation of traditional Chinese medicine. This requires strengthening the supervision and regulation of traditional Chinese medicine network information to ensure that the content disseminated is accurate and scientific.

Back to the topic we are discussing, machine translation also plays a role in this process. It helps the international dissemination of TCM literature and allows more international friends to understand the breadth and depth of TCM. However, machine translation also has limitations. The translation of TCM professional terms may not be accurate enough, which affects the accurate communication of TCM culture.

In order to better play the role of machine translation, we need to strengthen the standardization of TCM terminology and establish a unified and standardized terminology database. At the same time, we need to cultivate professional TCM translation talents and improve the quality and accuracy of translation.

In short, the combination of traditional Chinese medicine and modern technology is an inevitable trend. We must be good at utilizing the advantages of science and technology to promote the inheritance and development of traditional Chinese medicine, so that this treasure of traditional Chinese medicine can shine with new brilliance in the new era.