The Business Ups and Downs and World Vision of AI Veterans


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The losses of AI veterans may be due to misjudgment of market trends. In the context of rapid global technological development, they failed to capture new demands and new technological changes in the international market in a timely manner. At the same time, when expanding international business, they may not have a deep understanding of the policies, regulations, and cultural differences of different countries, resulting in improper strategic layout.

From an international perspective, successful companies often have a global vision. They are able to integrate global resources, optimize supply chains, and reduce costs. For example, Apple has set up R&D centers around the world to absorb talent and technological advantages from all over the world. On the other hand, this AI veteran may lack such strategic vision and resource integration capabilities on the road to internationalization.

Internationalization is not just about expanding business abroad, but also about updating concepts and internationalizing management models. Many internationally renowned companies focus on cultivating an innovative culture and encourage employees to be bold in experimenting and making breakthroughs. However, this AI veteran may not have kept up with the pace of internationalization in terms of internal corporate culture building, resulting in insufficient motivation for innovation.

In addition, in terms of international cooperation, successful companies are good at establishing long-term and stable cooperative relationships with global partners. Through cooperation, they can share technology and jointly expand the market. However, AI veterans may not have established an effective cooperative network in this regard, and have lost the opportunity to achieve development with the help of external forces.

In short, the case of AI veteran losing 400 million in half a year provides us with a profound lesson. In the wave of internationalization, enterprises must continuously improve their adaptability and competitiveness in order to gain a foothold in the global market.