the bridge of language: us sanctions on chinese auto technology


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in february this year, the biden administration investigated the connected technology and data security issues of chinese auto imports and imposed tariffs on chinese electric vehicles. the u.s. department of commerce also said that there is a "significant risk". the new restrictions will be implemented by the u.s. department of commerce and have a clear trade protectionist color. for american automakers, this means they have the opportunity to build their own connected car supply chain in the future.

however, this is not simply a technological competition. the rapid development of china's automobile industry has made key technologies such as sensors and lidar essential resources for multinational automakers. the new us regulations will further undermine the security and stability of the global automobile industry chain and may hinder the development of chinese companies in the international market.

sun xiaohong, secretary general of the automobile internationalization committee of the china chamber of commerce for import and export of machinery and electronic products, said that this is not only an escalation of technological competition, but also a collision of political and economic factors. the new us regulations not only cut off the closely cooperative industrial chain, but also made chinese companies face greater challenges.

although the us government's actions have sparked widespread concern, not all experts believe that these measures are inevitable. some believe that time will still bring opportunities for us automakers and new solutions may be found in the future.