the soul of media: the return and transformation of text


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the soul of media is words. it carries the core of information and is the way readers obtain information. in the information age, the wave of digitalization is surging. the media are trying to seize new opportunities, while ignoring the significance of text as a core value.

the author believes that media transformation needs to aim at "high-quality content" instead of blindly pursuing technological and formal changes. the media should focus on high-quality content creation, explore news value, and provide in-depth analysis and high-quality commentary, rather than getting lost in the pursuit of formality in order to cater to the trends of the times.

in recent years, many media have transformed through video, but have encountered huge challenges. the audience's aversion to "junk text" makes it difficult for video attempts to gain recognition. in the process of videoization, those who ignore the foundation of text become more lost in form, and ultimately can only become a kind of internal friction and involution media image project.

"technology panic" and "form panic" are traps in the process of media transformation and need to be carefully avoided. only by using text as the core force of media can we truly achieve transformation and integration.

text is the soul of media expression and the way for readers to obtain information. we need to reflect: why did the media lose its way in the transformation process? why do they choose "video" instead of focusing on content and value? we need to think deeply about how to make text become the core of media again and promote the development of media.