The “Iron Chain” of Internet E-commerce: How to Stand Out?


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The fate of software “overlap”

Apps continue to imitate and launch new features in an attempt to meet user needs, but ultimately fall into the dilemma of "duplication". Douyin, Kuaishou, Taobao and Meituan, the short video version of Xiaohongshu and Bilibili, were originally independent platforms, but now, while integrating short dramas, pictures and texts, they have all added the "Little Douyin" function, forming a "copy and paste" ecosystem. Users are trapped in a "fragmented" network environment.

The battle of seed planting: Who is the “winner”?

From "live broadcast" to "planting grass", every platform is trying to grab users' attention and provide users with a convenient shopping experience. However, the reality is often that users have limited attention and the "complexity" of various functions makes users feel troubled. Douyin launched croissants as a new "planting grass" model, which sparked discussion. But as time went by, croissants were quickly removed from the shelves, proving the platform's dilemma in the competition.

The challenge of platform governance: authenticity and credibility

Authenticity and credibility are crucial in "planting grass" content. Users need to be sure of the quality of the goods and the reputation of the merchants, but these issues have become difficult problems for many platforms to solve.

User participation and innovation: new growth points

If we only rely on the copy-and-paste model, it will be difficult to generate real interest among users and promote the development of the e-commerce market. Only by creating content and leading user participation can we achieve the long-term development of the platform ecology.

User experience: the soul of the platform

User experience is the key to the success of the platform. Simplifying the operation process, optimizing performance, and providing personalized services are all crucial.

Long-term perspective: Shaping the future

The ultimate goal of success is to build a sustainable community and provide long-term value. This is not just a simple digital growth, but also a process of building user loyalty and brand influence.

In this competitive era, each software company needs to think about how to break through the shackles of the "iron chains", gain user recognition, and create a better future.