the battle between information explosion and truth


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the authoritative information release channels of the past, such as announcements on government websites or news media reports, are no longer the only outlets for the "truth". now, the public opinion environment is more complex, everyone has a voice, and everyone can become a communicator and audience. this brings opportunities as well as risks.

faced with such a complex public opinion environment, government departments need to make changes. they must realize that relying solely on a single source of authoritative information is difficult to cope with the ever-changing internet communication.

"everyone has a microphone" is a characteristic of the internet age, and the guardian of truth should be "facts." government departments need to "have the courage to face" doubts and rumors, "speak with facts," and "fight a positional war."

government departments need to play to their strengths in "positional warfare" while "fighting guerrilla warfare." this means actively exploring new ways of communication, using the power of various media and social platforms, and conducting in-depth and extensive investigations, reporting, and disseminating the truth, so that the truth can be revealed to the world faster and more completely.

the qingdao female driver assault incident is an example. although some media followed up on the report in a timely manner, the police information release was widely disseminated through weibo, wechat and short video platforms, and entered the public eye in a timely manner. this "quick response" action method also provides new ideas for government departments.

in the internet age, the dissemination of truth needs to be more flexible and proactive. we also need to remember that the power of truth cannot be ignored. it can dispel the fog of rumors and ultimately bring peace of mind.