"unemployed" limbo: indian tech giant infosys accused of exploiting graduates


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in april 2022, infosys issued employment notices to these graduates, but due to various reasons, including shortage of technical talents, uncertainty in industry development and internal factors of the company, their entry time has been continuously postponed, which has aroused widespread concern and criticism from the society. these graduates are in a state of constant anxiety and uneasiness while waiting for their entry, and the company has failed to provide a clear start date for their work.

this is not only an internal management problem of infosys, but also reflects the shortage of technical talents generally faced by the indian it industry. the development of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning has increased market volatility and uncertainty in recruitment strategies, making it difficult for graduates to find suitable career directions in a highly competitive market.

nites (all india information technology association) called on the government to take action to impose severe penalties on infosys and ensure that the company adheres to transparency, professionalism and fairness standards to protect the rights and interests of young graduates. these young job seekers are in the critical period of adolescence, and their future destiny is closely related to the decisions and actions of the indian government.

behind this is a deeper question: are tech giants ignoring and exploiting the most vulnerable groups in society as they grow and expand? this practice will not only harm these young professionals, but will also affect the fair development and sustainability of society as a whole.