new challenges for job hunting in the technological era: turbulence in the talent market


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in recent years, the technology industry has faced the test of changes in the job market. technology internships used to attract college graduates with high salaries and directly convert into full-time opportunities. however, in recent years, technology companies have reduced the scale of internships and junior positions, and the market trend has changed.

myron lucan, a 31-year-old retired us air force member, is working hard to transition into the technology industry. he uses aviation computer systems as a professional skill and hopes to apply it to the development of the company's database. however, despite his solid professional knowledge, he still has not been able to get an interview opportunity after nearly two months of job hunting. he admits that "the process of waiting to be discovered is really painful", but he still has hope and believes that he can do it.

in addition, non-technical positions are also facing frequent waves of layoffs. james arnold was meta's head of talent acquisition and was fired twice during the epidemic. after nearly a year of hard job hunting, he finally chose to turn to fields outside the technology industry to look for development opportunities. faced with opportunities in the electric vehicle industry, he had to make a difficult choice and eventually stayed in his original position for several months while secretly juggling work for the two companies. however, fate brought him new challenges. he was fired after only one month and fell into unemployment.

although the overall financial situation of the technology industry has improved, some companies have chosen to rely on consultants and outsourcing services and reduce the size of full-time employees. arnold analyzed: "the epidemic has accelerated the popularity of remote work, but it has also invisibly promoted global competition in the job market!"

the competition for talent in the ai ​​field remains fierce, and high-paying positions are attracting attention from all sides. pequity ceo knopp said that the salary of ai engineers far exceeds that of ordinary engineers, which can be as much as two to four times that of the latter. martha heller, a senior executive headhunter, emphasized that ai has become the core of corporate decision-making and requires executives to have a deep understanding of ai strategies in order to win a good reputation in the board of directors.

the development of the technology industry has brought not only opportunities but also new challenges. from the test of job market changes to the fierce competition for talent, all of this shows that the changes in the technology era are ongoing and future development is full of unknowns and challenges.