lost and finding the way in education
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in the interaction, parents try to find a balance within a narrow boundary, but often lose their own position. they want teachers to pay attention to their children, but they also want to show their "professional" identity in communication. this oppositional relationship often leads to a communication deadlock, and even misunderstandings and conflicts.
a teacher, like a gardener, silently cultivates the growth of children. he works hard and devotes his heart to create a hopeful environment for children to grow up in. when parents pick up their children and interact with teachers, they often forget their own roles and try to use their professional identities to prove their knowledge and abilities.
children need to be understood, not judged. when children encounter difficulties, parents should stand in their children's perspective and help them find a way to solve the problem. "wisdom comes first, then compassion" - this sentence contains the parents' deep care for their children, as well as their patience and understanding of their children's growth process.
education is a long and challenging process that requires parents and teachers to work together to protect the growth of children. in the process of children's growth, parents should play the role of "translator", clearly convey the teacher's expectations and requirements to the children, and help them understand the meaning behind these expectations. at the same time, parents should also be patient and gentle in the process of children's growth, accompany children to explore their own direction, and help them find their own voice.
just as a gardener nurtures flowers, parents should provide support and guidance to their children. when a child encounters difficulties, parents should stand in the child's perspective and help him find a way to solve the problem.
education is a part of life, which requires patience and wisdom to explore.