motorcycles and technology: embracing the future across borders


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wang tianchun believes that the generally recognized autonomous driving classification in the automotive industry is l0-l5, and currently most cars are equipped with autonomous driving functions below l3. however, due to its unique driving mode and physical structure, motorcycles need to start with safety assistance functions, such as adaptive cruise control, intelligent speed limit, front and rear collision warning, etc. these functions can be implemented first. tanbu technology uses deep learning visual ai detection technology, combined with forward camera ai processing technology to enable the vehicle to have the ability to identify the target in front and the drivable area. through the rear camera ai processing visualization technology, it pays real-time attention to the rear and blind spot conditions, and realizes immediate and effective safety prompts.

with the advancement of technology and the expansion of its application scope, the motorcycle industry is experiencing a new stage of development. starting with safe assisted driving, it will promote the intelligent transformation of motorcycles and bring new possibilities for future travel. wang tianchun believes that complex vehicle control functions need to be applied cautiously on two-wheeled vehicles, and combining camera-based advanced assisted driving functions with the internet of vehicles can also develop more innovative functions and applications.

in addition, tanbu technology also believes that the competition situation of intelligent driving in the motorcycle industry is a blue ocean field, because the safety and convenience of motorcycles have always been the focus of users. at the same time, as the technology matures and the market is tested, more innovative applications will emerge in the future and bring new growth points to the motorcycle industry.

however, wang tianchun also pointed out that intelligent driving faces some challenges in the motorcycle industry. for example, the balance, dynamics, high-angle driving characteristics and power supply capabilities of two-wheeled vehicles are very different from those of cars, and more technological innovation is needed. tanbu technology has made some practical progress and achievements, and its technical solutions are gradually maturing and are about to enter the mass production stage.