Reimagining the Future: Streamlining for Impact
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the emerging management philosophy will have a profound impact on team structure. in order to improve efficiency and responsiveness, amazon has set a critical goal: increase the ratio of individual contributors to managers by at least 15% by the end of the first quarter of 2025this decision is not simply to reduce management levels, but is aimed at eliminating process redundancies and bottlenecks and enhancing the team's ability to make independent decisions.
the emergence of the "bureaucracy mailbox" reflects the challenges of this transformation process. in the eyes of team members, "bureaucracy" is often an invisible obstacle that hinders rapid action. amazon believes that the process itself is not an obstacle, but needs to be streamlined and optimized to work. they hope to release the potential of the team by reducing levels and unnecessary processes.
to achieve this goal, amazon’s pxt team worked closely with leaders and developed a series of plans. they will explore new organizational structure models and adjust the way of working to meet the needs of the new era.
return to the office and embrace cultural exchange
amazon realizes that the benefits of team members working together in the office cannot be ignored. from before the outbreak to now, the team's cultural exchange and learning have been improved. this also reflects how much they value company culture.
re-establishing the team work model will be an important step for amazon. they will resume the working methods before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic and further adjust the flexible desk arrangement. every team member will start to enjoy the new working method on january 2, 2025.
future outlook
amazon's changes are not only an exploration of organizational structure, but also a re-examination of culture and efficiency. they believe that through these changes, the team will be able to work more efficiently and provide better services to customers.