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从技术角度来看: 国际化需要企业不断学习和适应新的市场趋势。例如,随着中尺寸OLED领域竞争的激烈,京东方和维信诺分别在中国的成都和合肥,都正在建设面向中尺寸IT和车载应用、生产高附加值OLED面板的8.6代OLED生产线。这些行动不仅反映出中国企业在技术领域的不断进步,也表明了国际化战略的必要性。

从社会角度来看: 国际化不仅仅是企业间的竞争,更意味着文化交流和融合。跨国团队合作的能力对国际化战略的影响不可忽视。

Internationalization as a strategic direction in business expansion and influence, its core goal is to build cross-national connections, through global operation models to play greater market competition. It involves many aspects, including:

1.** Products and Services**: Develop products that meet the needs of different countries and regions, offer local solutions, and meet different cultural and consumption habits. 2.** Market Expansion**: Expand business scope, enter new international markets, and achieve market promotion and sales through global marketing strategies. 3.** Resource Integration**: Leverage global resource advantages, such as supply chain management, production and R&D, to improve efficiency and reduce costs. 4.** Cultural Adaptation**: Understand different national cultural differences, and integrate them into products, services, and operations, to create more customer-centric products and services.