Sonos: The Price of Innovation


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spence tried to ease the tension with sincere apologies and promises in front of employees. he admitted that the basic bug was not perfectly solved, and the restoration of the old version of the application required a balance of pros and cons. in the eyes of employees, this seemed to be a "stagnant" process, and some people believed that what was needed was action rather than verbal promises.

sonos' market value has plummeted, and the rise of competitors has intensified the pressure. their smart speakers seem to lack an ineffable power compared with apple and google's products. the wirecutter's retraction also highlights the difficulties faced by sonos.

however, spence showed his firm attitude in front of more than 250,000 users in the "ask a question" session and made it clear that the restoration of the old version of the app will no longer be carried out. this decision disappointed fans, but it also means that they are working hard to solve the problem.

spence's action plan is not an empty promise, but real action. he opened an email account and personally handled some complaints, which shows that he is eager to win trust and support through practical actions. at the same time, he assured investors that all problems will be resolved before the christmas holiday.

however, time is a critical factor. if sonos cannot quickly resolve the issue, it may face the risk of losing its leadership position. expert analysis points out that expertise in multi-room settings is a competitive advantage for sonos, and once it is fixed, consumers will choose to "support" sonos again, but whether the goal can be achieved in a short period of time depends on the results over time.